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Elizabeth,New Jersey,United States
Estimated Delivery Get it By : 03 Dec to 09 Dec
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Product Description:
Hide-n-Side Tents and Tunnels are brightly colored and friendly-faced playhouses and tunnels that provide a pleasant, cheerful, and inviting environment for children to play. Children like exploring, pretending, and using them as a shelter from the brightness, noise, and hustle of a busy home or classroom.
The castle and tunnel collapse for easy storage and fit compactly and conveniently in the included bag, making them ideal for tiny houses, apartments, or daycares. Polyester sleeve with a wrapped steel spring frame sewed safely and securely into it.
These crawling tents and tunnels are built to last for years of fun! This 7-piece Princess Tent Set is excellent for lovely little girls! When charged with direct light, the Princess Castle Stars illuminate in the dark. Bonus Princess Tutu Costume Set is Included! Princess Dress-Up Play Set for 3-Year-Old Girls.
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